Clan Corporação Elite VS Clan NewbiesPlayground -(DOG)- e Clan Confederação Sigma.

 -A razão desta guerra existir,tem uma razão logica que poucos sabem,tempos atraz fui membro do Clan T.v.A e JgJ que juntos hoje são o Clan Confederacion Sigma, eu comecei a jogar Unreal 1 mais ou menos em 2008 ou 2009,tinha lhes perguntado se podia me juntar ao seu clan,tempo depois tinha me juntado ao grupo.

 -Nos primeiros tempos foi tudo uma maravilha,estava a tentar integrar-me no clan,iniciei e ate participei em conversas entre membros,mas alguns membros eram rebeldes,os ataques surgiram,provocações,brincadeiras de mau gosto,não contente com a situação fui fazer uma queixa ao lider Lucaso,este tomou uma atitude e foi falar com os membros em questão.

 -Noutro dia o lider, os membro,e eu. falamos todos juntos para resolver o problema,o membro jurou que não ia voltar a fazer o mesmo, eu fiquei descansado,mas estava enganado porque o membro fez o mesmo,e depois o mesmo,e assim sucessivamente,fui fazer queixa novamente ao lider,e o que ele disse deixou me preplexo,disse para eu ter calma,porque era apenas brincadeiras, apesar de eu não ter gostado.

  -O tempo passa,e a situação começava a ficar insustentavel,fui me defendendo dos ataques que todas as vezes que ia para o server,os membros sistematicamente realizavam,ate avisei ao lider e aos restantes membros que se continuassem a fazer o mesmo,começava a ser mais agressivo,depois não se podiam queixar porque a culpa era esclusivamente do comportamento deles.

  -Cansado da situação,fiz um ultimato ao lider,ou eles dexavam-me em paz,ou eu ia me embora do clan,o Lucaso começou a chamar-me de mentiroso e fraco, e eu achei obvio que o lider acreditava no que os membros rebeldes estavam a dizer,assim surgiu uma descussão entre o clan,ouve troca de insultos e provocações.

 -Eu decidi sair do Clan T.v.A, e ir para o clan JgJ,no qual me aceitaram, mas que eu avisei claramente que se acontecesse o mesmo como no Clan T.V.A,eu sairia, passado alguns meses, começaram os ataques por parte do Clan T.v.A,fiz queixa ao lider Black, mas nada resultou porque sentia que estava a ser rejeitado pelo resto dos membros,e isso foi memso verdade,assim começaram insultos e provocações,desta forma sai do Clan  JgJ

 -Durante alguns anos os Clans manipularam, constrangiam, e faziam suborno para que ninguem jogase ou fosse meu amigo no Unreal 1, hoje em dia continuam a fazer esses truques baixos, caluniavam e diziam mentiras sobre mim,assim sujavam a minha reputação como jogador,mantinham-me sobre vigia 24 horas sobre 24 horas.

 -Entretanto queria-me juntar ao clan Newbies Playground,felizmente nunca fui membro desse clan porque nunca tinha falado com o lider OldSparky,nem tive conhecimento de como me recrutar,então simplesmente coloquei as tags "-(DOG)-"e joguei por algum tempo nos server deles,fui banido do server deles injustamente por causa dos Clan JgJ e T.v.A,quando ia jogar no server estes clan provocavam-me,insultavam-me,e criavam calunias sobre mim,depois disso houve descussoes.

 -Eu dicidi criar um clan chamado"=F.C.D.E=",com o objectivo de combater estes clans que apenas queriam estragar a comunidade do Unreal 1,criei um website,foruns,depois andei a fazer propaganda do meu clan,mas tinha alguma coisa errado,ninguem queria unir-se ao  =F.C.D.E=,e ate ninguem jogava no meu server,eu mudei de nome e de estrutura,para tentar melhorar o clan,e conseguir recrutar membros. então eu descubri que o  Clan T.v.A e o  JgJ, secretamente tinham manipulado e coagido os players para não jogarem no meu server,nem juntarem-se ao meu clan,com ajuda de amigos.

-Eu reportei esses individuos,mas o OldSparky acreditou no que esses clans diziam,e fui banido injustamente,tinha feito acordos com o Newbiesplauground,para que ficasse mais atento ao server,tentei ser amigo deles varias vezes,mas cansei da situação e com o desespero de acabar com as maldades dos clans eu insultei,eu sei não devia de ter feito isso,porque era realmente o que queriam, que era fazer tudo para que eu fosse expulso,e assim o conseguiram com sucesso.

 -Quando o lider OldSparky morreu,Strategy tornou-se lider dos Clan Newbiesplayground, a gerra ainda estava acessa,então um dia que vieram ao server,eles provocavam, sem insultar para que não houvesse provas contra eles,eu respondi porque já estava saturado da situação,eu disse o seguinte:


"-I hate clan DOG, i dont respect them because they are desrespectfull  with me, is a great  monumental loss!

-Someday clan DOG il die forever, they il pay their arragance and the liers they do about me il be expensive! i lmake clan DOG life a hell


 -O Que quis dizer é que queria que o Clan DOG desfaze-se ou deixa-se de existir,não no sentido de querer a morte de pessoas,eu disse esta frase num sentido figurado,mas os Clans inimigos e a comunidade Oldunreal destroceram o que eu  disse,e ate hoje continuamos em guerra,fazem a mesma coisa que a Confederação Sigma,mentiras sobre o nosso clan,manipulação,subornos com ofertas de dinheiro,jogos,incluisve mandar uma carta de ameaça para o unico membro que o nosso clan tem para abando nar  o lider,tabém está a ameaçar os nossos clans aliados,e a usar os mesmos ataques que nos tem feito a nós.

 -Os Clans e a comunidade do Unreal, querem tornar o Unreal em PG(Parents Ground),no qual desrespeita quem gosta do videojogo com violencia,ou com linguagem de alto calão,tipico de videojogos para mais de 18 anos, o Clan Corporação Elite despreza a mudança de estrutura dos videojogos deste tipo de classificação de idades,ate quando esta guerra vai durar?

 -Os nossos inimigos foram avisados que se continuassem com os ataques,iria-mos mostrar as provas que os nossos aliados tem nas suas mãos,apesar do ultimato,ate hoje ainda não pararam,infelizmente as provas que pedimos aos clan aliados está a demorar mais do que previsto,mas não desestire-mos e continuaremos a lutar contra quem nos querer fazer ameaças ou nos atacar,temos objectvivos que iremos cumprir.




Tradution in  inglish:


Clan Corporation Elite VS Clan NewbiesPlayground - (DOG) -, and Clan Confederation Sigma.

 - The reason for this war exists, there is a logical reason that few know, times ago I was a member of Clan TvA and JgJ that together today are Clan Confederacion Sigma, I started playing Unreal 1 more or less in 2008 or 2009, I had asked them If I could join his clan, later I'd joined the group.

 -In the early days it was all a wonder, I was trying to join the clan, I started and even participated in conversations between members, but some members were rebels, the attacks, provocations, evil jokes , not happy with the situation I did a complaint to the leader Lucaso, this one took an attitude and went to speak with the members in question.

 "Another day, the leader, the members, and me. We all talked together to solve the problem, the member swore he would not do it again, I was rested, but I was wrong because the member did the same, and then the same, and so on, I went to complain again to the leader, And what he said left me preplexed, told me to be calm, because it was only jokes, although I did not like it.

  -The time passed, and the situation began to be unsustainable, I was defending myself from the attacks that every time I went to the server, the members systematically carried out, I even told the leader and the other members that if they continued to do the same, To be more aggressive, later they could not complain because the fault was exclusively of their behavior.

  -Without the situation, I made an ultimatum to the leader, or they left me in peace, or I would leave the clan, Lucaso began to call me a liar and weak, and I found it obvious that the leader believed in what the Rebellious members were saying, thus a rebellion appeared among the clan, hears exchanges of insults and taunts.

 -I decided to leave the Clan TvA, and go to the JgJ clan, in which they accepted me, but I clearly warned that if the same happened as in the Clan TVA, I would leave, after a few months, the Clan TvA attacks began , I made a complaint to the leader Black, but nothing resulted because he felt that he was being rejected by the rest of the members, and this was true, so began insults and taunts, thus leaves the Clan JgJ

 "For some years the Clans manipulated, embarrassed, and bribed so that no one played or was my friend in Unreal 1, today they continue to do these tricks low, slander and tell lies about me, so they messed up my reputation as a player, They kept me on lookout 24 hours in 24 hours.

 However I wanted to join the Newbies Playground clan, fortunately I was never a member of that clan because I had never spoken to the OldSparky leader, nor had I known how to recruit myself, so I simply put the "- (DOG) -" tags and played for some Time on their servers, I was banned from their server unjustly because of the Clan JgJ and TvA, when I was going to play on the server these clan provoked me, insulted me, and created slanders about me, after that there were disagreements.

 - I decided to create a clan called "= F.C.D.E =", with the aim of fighting these clans that only wanted to spoil the Unreal community 1, I created a website, forums, then I was advertising my clan, but there was something wrong , Nobody wanted to join the = F.C.D.E =, and no one was played in my server, I changed name and structure, to try to improve the clan, and to be able to recruit members. So I discovered that Clan T.v.A and JgJ had secretly manipulated and coerced players not to play on my server, nor to join my clan with the help of friends.

"I reported these guys, but OldSparky believed in what those clans said, and I was banned unfairly, made agreements with Newbiesplauground, to be more attentive to the server, I tried to be friends with them several times, but I got tired of the situation and the Desperate to do away with the evil of the clans I insult, I know I should not have done it, because it was really what they wanted, that was to do everything for me to be expelled, and so they succeeded.

 -When OldSparky's leader died, Strategy became the leader of the Newbiesplayground Clan, the war was still on, so one day they came to the server, they provoked, without insulting that there was no evidence against them, I replied because I was already saturated with Situation, I said the following:


"-I hate clan DOG, I dont respect them because they are disrespectfull with me, is a great monumental loss!

-Someday clan DOG il die forever, they il pay their arragance and the liers they of about me il be expensive! I lmake clan DOG life a hell




 "What I meant was that I wanted the DOG Clan to either disappear or cease to exist, not in the sense of wanting to kill people," I said in a figurative sense, but the enemy Clans and the Oldunreal community wrecked the what i said, and until today we are still at war, they do the same thing as the Confederacion Sigma, lies about our clan, manipulation, bribes with money offers, games, including sending a threatening letter to the only member our clan,To leave the leader, is also threatening our allied clans, and using the same attacks that he has done to us.

 -The Clans and the Unreal community want to make Unreal in PG (Parents Ground), which disrespects those who like the video game with violence, or with slang language, typical of videogames for more than 18 years, the Clan Corporation Elite disregards the change in the structure of video games of this type of age classification, until when this war will last?

 - Our enemies were warned that if they continue the attacks, we would show the evidence that our allies have in their hands, despite the ultimatum, until today have not stopped, unfortunately the evidence we ask the Allied clan is taking longer than predicted, but do not give up and we will continue to fight against anyone who wants to make threats or attack us, we have something that we will do.